Mortgage Rates

Rates Declared as of February 1, 2025. Rates and Terms Subject To Change Without Notice.

First Mortgage (Primary Residence)

Mortgage Term APR*
180 Months (15 Years) 6.45%
240 Months (20 Years) 6.55%
360 Months (30 Years) 6.75%

Refinance of Existing Credit Union First Mortgage Loan (Low Closing Costs)

Mortgage Term APR*
180 Months (15 Years) 6.45%
240 Months (20 Years) 6.55%
360 Months (30 Years) 6.75%

First Mortgage (Secondary Residence)

Mortgage Term APR*
Up to 120 Months (10 Years) 6.45%
121 - 240 Months (11-20 years) 6.95%

Home Equity Loan - Fixed Rate / Closed End Term

Term APR*
Upt to 60 Months 6.25%
61 - 120 Months 6.75%
121 - 180 Months 7.00%

Home Equity Saver Loan - Fixed Rate / Closed End Term

Mortgage Term APR*
Up to 60 Months 6.00%
61 - 84 Months 6.25%

Home Improvement

Term APR*
Up to 120 Months 6.00%

Land Loans

Term APR*
Up to 180 Months 7.05%

CONTACT THE CREDIT UNION FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. To apply, please contact the credit union to schedule an appointment with one of our loan representatives.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate based on creditworthiness and term of loan.